Paintings Part 3

empiresize.jpg “Empire” Acrylic on Canva 30cmx30

Even New Yorkers have dawn.

resize-of-marquisesdefinitif.jpg “Marquises” Acrylic on Canva 55cmx45

Arrival or Departure.

The last one for that man who loved those islands…

resize-of-achab.jpg “Ahab” Acrylic and Ink Marker on Wood 52cmx70

Two kinds of people. Those who see the child, thosse who don’t.

Even Ahab was a Child.

2 Responses to “Paintings Part 3”

  1. Bonsoir,
    The first one is wonderful..Colors, composition are beautiful..Latest is like some japanese prints..(No child..)…:-)..bravo!

  2. Bonsoir Jelb!
    Don’t worry, just keep on watching, the child will appear… when it’s time.
    Thanks a lot, anyway.

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